October Updates!

Thanks so much for providing us with your feedback! Now give students lesson retakes and get notified when students complete a self-paced assignment!

Lesson Retakes

Sometimes our students need another chance to master the learning. Now, you can assign a lesson retake to students with our retake lesson button! You can find this button on the student’s data page (student run).

Keep in mind: The new lesson will be assigned to students in self-paced mode. Plus, the retake button will only appear if the student has completed the lesson or assessment + they are not currently enrolled in the lesson. 

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I’m Done!

Many of our Ori students complete self-paced learning sessions at different times. Now, you will be notified when a student completes a lesson or assessment after a student marks it as “Done”! 

On the last page of the lesson or assessment, students will click the purple I’m Done button to mark it as complete. After selecting this button, the student’s score will appear for teachers in the course progress section and the student data page (student run).

Keep in mind: Student scores will also save automatically in self-paced mode when the due date arrives, or the teacher marks the session as complete.


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