Resetting The Student Password

Reset Passwords for Students

When logging in with Google:

If students are logged in on their device with their school-affiliated Google account, they simply select ‘Sign in with Google’ to access the platform. If the student has multiple Google accounts connected to their device, it is important to ensure the Google affiliated email is the one used during the sign-in process. If log-in issues occur, verify with your district admin that the account was set up using the school administered Google-connected email.

When logging in with Clever:

If students are logged in to their Clever account on their device, they will be logged in once they click on the "Sign In with Clever" button or follow the district directions on how to log in to applications that work with Clever sign in. If log-in issues occur, verify with your district admin that the account is set up using the Clever connected credentials.

When logging in with a username and password:

If the student can not recall their password, the admin can reset the student's password from the Admin Portal.

Reset Password for Username and Password:

If students have an email associated with their account they can reset the password by clicking the “Forgot password?” button on the Student Portal homepage. A pop-up box will appear asking the students to enter the email address associated with their account. A password recovery email will be sent to the student’s email address. In the email, students should click on the “Reset Password” button. Ori will redirect the students to the reset password page. The student should enter and confirm their new password.