Where can I find grades, monitor grades, and provide feedback?

Teachers can view student scores and provide feedback in one of three places.

Grades for students can be located in three different areas on the platform.

1. The activity tab located at the top of the screen will notify you with a purple alert when a student has finished an activity.

    • Select the "activity" tab to review the latest updates on student performance.
    • Select the lesson or assessment title where a student has completed their work. From there, you can review the student's score and offer feedback on their performance.
    • If a student responds to any subjective questions within this lesson, an orange grade button will appear. You can easily click on this button to assess and grade the student's work directly from this screen.
    • When a student reaches a checkpoint, an orange "approve now" button will be visible. To quickly approve the checkpoint without navigating away, simply click on this button on the current screen.

To handle subjective questions needing your input, search for circles highlighted with an orange exclamation point. Click on these circles to view the question, the studet's response, any uploads made by the student, and a assign a grade for that particular question. Don't forget to click submit to save the score. 

2. Access the course gradebook view by navigating to the progress tab on the course dashboard. Here, you can see the percentage each student achieved on a specific lesson or assessment. By clicking on a student's score, teachers can explore individual student responses on the student progress page, gaining valuable insights into each student's performance.

    • If there is an orange exclamation point next to the score, it indicates that the student has answered a subjective question in the lesson that requires grading by the teacher.
      • To grade the question, the teacher should click on the orange exclamation mark and then select the circles with orange exclamation points below it.
      • When the teacher selects each circle, they will be able to view the questions asked and the student's response. This allows the teacher to assign a score and provide feedback for that specific question. Don't forget to click on the submit button to save the score.
    • When a student reaches a checkpoint, they will see an orange "approve now" button. Simply click on this button to quickly release the checkpoint directly from the current screen.
3. Navigate to the students page by clicking on the students tab located at the top of the teacher dashboard. Choose the student's name whose score you wish to view, and this will lead you to the individual student progress page.
    • Next, select the course title where the lesson is located. Then, click on the lesson title listed on the left-hand side to view the student responses to questions displayed on the right-hand side of the screen.
      • To assess a question, the teacher should click on the circles marked with orange exclamation points. By selecting each circle, the teacher can view the question posed and the student's response. This allows the teacher to assign a score and provide feedback for that specific question. Remember to click on submit to save the score.
      • When a student reaches a checkpoint, they will see an orange "approve now" button. Simply click on this button to quickly release the checkpoint directly from the current screen.

On the individual student progress page, you have the option to download a summary of the student's progress as a PDF file. Simply click on the report button located in the top right-hand corner to generate the report.