What are Ori Learning's Technology Specifications?

The platform is hosted on Azure cloud, utilizes hardware load balancing for fault tolerance, and supports a range of web browsers and operating systems to ensure a secure and efficient user experience.

Ori Learning

Technology Specifications

1. Overview

Ori Learning is an online solution for special educators to promote inclusion and address behavior. Our platform supports curriculum planning, professional development, and tracking of student progress through digital and online tools. Below is a resource providing technical overviews and specifications for the Ori Learning platform. Specifications are grouped by Technology and Infrastructure, Hardware and Operating System Recommendations, Web Browsers, Connectivity, Network Configurations and Security.


2. . Technology and Infrastructure
2.1 Technologies

The Ori Learning solution is delivered over the Internet using Azure web apps to host web applications, and Azure SQL and blob storage for content storage. Our applications combine both dynamically generated application features and statically published educational content. Ori Learning web applications are developed using the latest development practices and technologies. Customer-facing solutions are developed in ASP.NET, C#, Angular, and SQL technologies using sophisticated design principles and some of the best Web 2.0 functionality available. 

2.2 Facility

The Ori Learning solution is hosted in the Azure cloud, using a Microsoft-managed datacenter in the East US region. 

2.3 Server Technology

Ori Learning hosts its applications and services on Azure cloud-hosted hardware using Windows Server OS.

2.4 Load Balancing

Hardware-based load balancing distributes end-user connections across a “farm” of servers. This enables balanced load, fault tolerance and redundancy of the applications. The Ori Learning load balancing solution is provided by Microsoft Azure.

2.5 Content Delivery Network

Ori Learning hosts our educational content and user data in a SQL database and in Azure blob storage. All user data is stored in a geo-redundant fashion to protect against unexpected hardware failures and to make sure it's available when you need it.

2.6 Data Back-up

Ori Learning continuously backs up educational content and user data in a geo-redundant fashion on a daily basis. 

2.7 Monitoring

Ori Learning hardware and software is continuously monitored on a number of levels. Microsoft facility is designed to run 24x7x365 and employs various measures to help protect operations from power failure, physical intrusion, and network outages. These data centers comply with industry standards (such as ISO 27001) for physical security and availability. Automatic tests are employed running every 30 seconds, to check on site availability, user load, application-response times, and unexpected errors. Our monitoring systems are connected to an automated alerting system, which notifies Ori Learning operations staff of any noted issues.

3. Hardware and Operating System Recommendations

The Ori Learning solution functions on a wide variety of computer platforms, including dedicated desktop or laptop computers, and mobile devices. This section describes the basic hardware and operating system recommendations for customers accessing the Ori Learning platform. 

3.1 Hardware

3.1.1 Operating Systems

Windows 7/10/11, Mac OS X 10.6 and above, Chrome OS

3.1.2 Memory

1GB or greater 

3.2 Mobile

Ori Learning supports mobile devices only for the student experience. Teachers and admins should use desktop or laptop machines to access the teacher and admin portals. The student portal is available on most Android phones and tablets, Kindle tablets, iPhone and iPad devices.

3.3 Display

The Ori Learning solution supports various resolutions and screen sizes larger than 1024x768. The student experience supports smaller screens on mobile phones and tablets. 

3.4 Sound

Sound is an important part of the Ori Learning solution to be able to view our videos. Hardware support for sound playback is required for lesson videos. We recommend the availability of headphones for use in public computing scenarios.

4. Web Browsers

Ori Learning fully supports a wide variety of properly configured modern browsers. This section lists the supported browsers for users of the Ori Learning platform. 

4.1 Supported Browsers

The latest version of web browser software includes the most comprehensive security, usability and web site rendering functionality. Ori Learning routinely tests the latest release of the major browsers offered for the Windows and Mac OS X operating systems. Consequently, we recommend these browsers as the best option for customers looking for a secure, successful experience with the Internet generally and the Ori Learning solution in particular. These are the recommended browsers for use: 

  • Edge
  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • Firefox

4.2 Browser Configuration 

All web browsers must have the following functionality enabled to properly access the Ori Learning platform.

  • JavaScript enabled.
  • Cookies enabled.
  • Web sockets enabled.

5. Connectivity

A high-speed connection to the Internet is recommended for a better user experience. We engineer our systems to minimize the required bandwidth for client users making extensive use of caching, compression, and HTTP protocol technologies. Whether dedicated or shared, the connection must be stable with minimal packet loss and latency.

6. Network Configurations

6.1 Ori Learning Domains

Access to the following domains and network address blocks should be unrestricted for your user population. 

  • *.orilearning.com
  • productiononedercourses.blob.core.windows.net
  • production-oneder-courses.service.signalr.net

6.2 Third-party Domains

Videos that are referenced in the Ori learning content are currently hosted on YouTube, Khan Academy, Ted Talks, etc. Accordingly, the referenced videos will need to be whitelisted.

  • A link to the list of the videos will be sent out separately upon curriculum purchase finalization.

6.3 Network Ports

Allow content from our servers to arrive on your client computers through your router, firewall, and/or proxy server over the following ports:

  • 80 (for HTTP traffic from our Web servers) 
  • 443 (for SSL traffic from our secure Web servers)
  • Web sockets (for real-time teacher and student interaction and collaboration on the Ori Learning lesson player)

7. Security

All Ori Learning domains are protected by SSL certificate to ensure encryption for data in motion. Certificates are updated regularly for all Ori Learning domains.