How can I create multiple classes?

To create multiple classes in Ori, download and update the Excel sheet with class information, then upload it to the site.

To begin creating multiple classes:

  1. Go to the “Sites” tab to start. For more details on creating sites, click here.
  2. Select the site where you want to create the classes.
  3. Navigate to the “Upload Classes” tab.
  4. Click on the "Download" link to retrieve an Excel sheet containing the necessary data structure for uploading classes to the site.
  5. Update the Excel sheet by adding new rows to create classes and include them in the site.
  6. Upload the updated Excel file to Ori.

  • Duplicate class names will be ignored.
  • In case the class with the name provided in an Excel already exists in the site, the new class with the same name will not be created.
  • No deletions nor updates will be performed to existing classes of the site.