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  2. Admin Portal
  3. Create Teacher and Students Accouts

How can I make changes to user accounts?

To update user accounts, search for the specific user account, make necessary changes, and save. You can also adjust site and class assignments, reset passwords, and set student passwords.

To update user accounts, go to the “Users” tab and utilize the search and filter options to locate the specific account. Toggle the “Active Only” option to view either active accounts or both active and inactive accounts.

  • Update user details by editing the relevant fields and then click on the "Save" button to save the changes.
  • Modify site assignments by selecting "Assigned Sites" - this allows you to transfer the user from one site to another or assign them to multiple sites simultaneously.
  • Adjust class assignments by selecting "Assigned Classes" - this feature allows you to update assigned classes or assign more than one class at a time.
  • Send a password reset link to a user's email by clicking on the "Reset Password" button.
  • Set a student's password by clicking on the "Set Student Password" button.
  • Synchronize user accounts in bulk by utilizing the sync feature.. Click here for more details